Red, green, and blue circles
Nice to meet you!
My name is Meagan!

I'm entering my final undergraduate semester at Northeastern University in Boston, a selective research institution with a knack for intercultural and interdisciplinary learning opportunities.
What are you studying?
Great question! I’m studying graphic design and the importance visual communication has in our ever-changing world, with the help of well-rounded professors that value hard work and collaboration.
My coursework in digital communications has taught me more about online communities and the ways in which they can be used to their full potential.
Why stay in touch?
Organized yet spontaneous, I thrive in chaos, and I love seeking new opportunities through collaboration and creation. I’m looking to work in a fast-paced environment with the optimism and confidence to approach any project.
...Anything else?
When I'm not designing, you can find me at a local museum or catching up on the latest in cinema. 
My favorite movie at the moment is Isle of Dogs (2018) directed by Wes Anderson!
Meagan Ellis

My Dialogue of Civilizations under Northeastern University studying Swiss graphic design in Basel, Switzerland!

Meagan Ellis in front of an Oppenheimer poster

Yes, I did successfully complete the Barbenheimer challenge. And, yes, Oppenheimer was worth the 3-hour runtime!

Meagan Ellis with Your Cousin From Boston

Meeting Your Cousin From Boston during a
co-op with the Boston Beer Company!

Meagan Ellis at the MoMA

My visit to the Guillermo del Toro: Crafting Pinocchio exhibit at the MoMA!

My projectsAbout me
Nice to meet you!
Red, green, and blue circlesMeagan Ellis with Your Cousin From Boston

Meeting Your Cousin From Boston during a co-op with The Boston Beer Company!

My name is Meagan (the one on the right)!

I'm entering my final undergraduate semester at Northeastern University in Boston, a selective research institution with a knack for intercultural and interdisciplinary learning opportunities.
Meagan Ellis in Basel, Switzerland

My Dialogue of Civilizations under Northeastern University studying Swiss graphic design in Basel, Switzerland!

What are you studying?
Great question! I’m studying graphic design and the importance visual communication has in our ever-changing world, with the help of well-rounded professors that value hard work and collaboration. My coursework in digital communicationshas taught me more about our online communities and the ways in which they can be used to their full potential.
Meagan Ellis at the MoMA

My visit to the Guillermo del Toro: Crafting Pinocchio exhibit at the MoMA!

Why stay in touch?
Organized yet spontaneous, I thrive in chaos, and I love seeking new opportunities through collaboration and creation. I’m looking to work in a fast-paced environment with the optimism and confidence to approach any project.
Meagan Ellis in front of an Oppenheimer poster

Yes, I did successfully complete the Barbenheimer challenge. And, yes, Oppenheimer was worth the 3-hour runtime!

...Anything else?
When I'm not designing, you can find me at a local museum or catching up on the latest in cinema. 
My favorite movie at the moment is Isle of Dogs (2018) directed by Wes Anderson!